Good afternoon parents!
We are almost a month away from mystery night and we are wanting to get a head start on drivers for mystery night. We are starting early so that we aren’t scrambling at the last minute trying to find people to drive. So I wanted to reach out to our awesome Jr High parents first to see if you would be interested in being a driver!
Here are some answers to some common questions that may help convince you ;) :
Why should I drive?
Driving for mystery night gives you the parent an awesome opportunity to not only get extra time with your student and their friends but also be apart of the youth ministry! It is a great way to HAVE FUN with your student as well as ENJOY THE FUN that we have in youth ministry! ALSO the more cars we have the MORE students we can have come!
When does mystery night happen?
Friday, March 26, 2021 at around 4pm
I don’t have a big car is that okay?
of course! We shoot for the big cars but we also need small cars! The more cars that we have the more students we can have attend!
What do you do as a driver?
You get the awesome opportunity to drive students all over Murrieta like a scavenger hunt, watch them do weird and crazy things at each location, and even join in the fun if you are brave enough.
What are the main goals of mystery night?
This event hits the two major distinctives of our philosophy of youth ministry: Having EXTREME FUN while putting EXTREME FOCUS on Christ! Students make fun memories and then hear a powerful Gospel message at the end of the night! This is why we highly encourage students to invite friends outside the ministry SO THAT they have fun and hear about Christ!
And YOU CAN BE APART OF THIS!! Here is the link to sign up: