Dear Parents,
After we arrived at camp, we dropped off our luggage in our cabins and enjoyed some spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and cupcakes! It was great – way better than what you would expect for camp food.
After dinner we gathered for our first session together – we played a survivor-style game, sang praises, and Shawn Farrell gave an awesome Introduction message that encouraged good conversations in small groups! Check out our amphitheater set-up!
After session and small groups, we played another huge survivor-style game! I’m so thankful for our MAD (moms and dads) Crew who have already worked so hard to set everything up for us!
We are all in our cabins now where we should be sleeping. Please pray for our first full day tomorrow. Pray as we begin to dive into our study of the Rich Young Ruler in Luke 18. Pray for fruitful small group conversations. Pray for safety. And above all, pray that Christ would be glorified and exalted greatly tomorrow.
I’ll touch base with you again tomorrow night for another recap!
In Him,
Terrell Medina
Jr High Pastor, FBC