Dear Parents,
Johnny Story here again!
Wanted to send out a quicker shorter email tonight regarding Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Eve service, and this Sunday!
“Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” Psalms 106:1
Although there’s no Biblical commandment to celebrate Thanksgiving, we as Christians have so many reasons to be thankful unto our Lord for his goodness and faithfulness!
As far as tonight goes, there is no youth group as there will be a Thanksgiving Eve service from 6:30-8:30 tonight! Although it starts at 6:30, you’re welcome to show up at 6 for fellowship and treats!
Lastly, there we will indeed be meeting Sunday morning as usual!
RISE Rewind ⏮️
We had an eventful week, with youth group on Wednesday, Friendsgiving on Saturday, as well as youth group on Sunday and Turkey Bowling! On Wednesday we continued in James 5, seeing that the Jesus, the Judge, is at the door, and that we must live as if He could return at any moment. On Saturday we hung out, made food, ate food, played games, and considered the many reasons for which we should be thankful unto the Lord for his many many blessings. On Sunday we looked at the question of how we can get we want, which was the chance to study prayer and the faithfulness of the Lord to answer prayer! After studying supplication, we then had a tournament bowling frozen turkeys to knock over pins. It was an awesome week full of fun, friends, and fellowship.
Wednesday Night Details
Every Wednesday Night at FAITH BIBLE CHURCH (23580 Glazebrook Rd, Wildomar, 92595)! Join us from 6:30–8:30 PM in the Worship Center!
Sunday Morning Details
Join us every Sunday during 1st service (8:30 AM) at FAITH BIBLE CHURCH in the Youth Room!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In Him,