[RISE Weekly] Red Carpet Night TOMORROW! 🤵♂️💃📸
Dress FANCY for Red Carpet Night TOMORROW! Excited for FRIENDSGIVING on Nov. 20! Sign-up for WINTER CAMP!
Dear Parents,
It’s been encouraging to hear how the Word of God has been working in the hearts of our students as we study the Gospel According to John on Wednesdays and the Fruit of the Spirit on Sunday mornings. Students are being saturated with the Word each week and our staff is going above and beyond to help your students understand and apply the Word to their lives. Along with spiritual growth, we’re also noticing numerical growth in our ministry as more and more students invite their friends! We’re thankful for the opportunities we have to proclaim Christ to so many students each week. Please continue to pray that hearts would be transformed and led to Christ.
The fun never stops in Jr High Ministry! Tomorrow is RED CARPET NIGHT which means your students should come dressed FANCY! It’s always so fun to see our students go all out for these theme nights and our STAFF puts in a ton of effort to make these nights extra special and fun!
Same time and place tomorrow night! On top of all the fun, we’ll worship together through song and continue in our John series! As much as I would love to plant our feet in John and get through the entire book together, I notice the need to switch it up and address other needed passages and topics that would benefit our students well. So, we’ll be in John only for a couple more weeks. THIS WEEK, we’ll land in John 10:1-21 as we look at THE GOOD SHEPHERD! This passage is theology-rich and will reveal to us how the true Shepherd chooses us, knows us, leads us, protects us, keeps us, loves us, lays down His life for us, and much more. I can’t wait!
We are so excited for Winter Camp 2022! Early bird registration has begun and will continue until December 5th! Winter Camp holds a special place in my heart since it is where the Lord saved me as a high school student. We’re praying the Lord will continue to save many students through this camp as we spend a weekend together saturated in God’s Word, intentional discipleship, and TONS OF FUN! Use the button below to register!
Save the date! Saturday, November 20th is Jr High FRIENDSGIVING! This will basically be like our Discipleship Group Hangouts kicked up a notch and focused around a creating a thanksgiving meal together! Each discipleship group will be meeting at different locations and times. More detailed info will be sent out next week!
Excited for another fun week together! See you soon!
In Him,
P.S. Introducing… AJ and Mandy BACKLUND! 🎉 It was a joy to witness these two get married on Saturday!
Last Week
We had a wonderful time at youth last Wednesday. The kids are so much fun and we always have a great time playing and getting to know them. We pulled out an oldie but a goodie for our game and played Do You Love Your Neighbor. We then sang songs of praise, heard Terrell’s message out of John 6, and then wrapped it up in small groups.
Wednesday Night Details
- Time: 6:15-8:15pm
- Location: FBC Temecula: 27470 Jefferson Ave Unit 6C, Temecula, CA 92590
- Please have your student bring a Bible, notebook, and pen.
Sunday Morning Details
- We meet every Sunday morning during the first service from 8:30 - 10 AM.
- Here is the address we meet at on Sunday: Murrieta Valley High School
- In order to get to where we meet on Sundays, walk towards the upper quad of campus past Children’s Ministry. You will see our large group gathered at the far end! Or, you can always ask one of our friendly ushers or greeters where Jr. High Ministry meets and they will show you.