[RISE Weekly] Youth! Dodgeball! Camp! 🤯
Join us tomorrow night @ the Behnan's from 6:30-8:30 PM! Create your team for the Dodgeball Tournament! Sign-up for camp!
Dear Parents,
All of our big events are coming up FAST! Make sure your student gets involved in all the fun! Our epic dodgeball tournament is coming up and there is still time to sign-up for camp! Don’t let money be an issue – fill out a scholarship application or let me know what might be holding your student up from coming to camp!
Join us TOMORROW NIGHT (5/31), from 6:30–8:30 PM at the Behnan Home (36750 Robin Scott St, Murrieta, CA 92562) as we continue our NAME TAGS identity series!
This week, we will open up God’s word to Romans 6:15-23 where Paul states:
17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching to which you were given over, 18 and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
True Christians have the name tag: SLAVE OF CHRIST! Though we were once in bondage to our sin, Christ has set us free through His death and resurrection! Everyone is a slave to ONE master – no one can serve two masters. This Wednesday, I pray that our students determine which master they serve – sin or Christ. We will see just how sweet it is to serve Christ and live for Him!
Our dodgeball tournament is just around the corner! We will be meeting on the Murrieta Valley High School football field on June 10th from 6-8 PM. This is an excellent opportunity for students to invite NEW VISITORS and hopefully we can get them to camp!
Team sign-up sheets are available at youth! You can also download and print one yourself by clicking the button below. Hand them into Terrell!
See you tomorrow night!
In Him,
JUN 12–16 – SUMMER CAMP 2023
Sign-up for JR HIGH SUMMER CAMP now!! Registration is open! June 12–16 at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center! Join us for an incredible week saturated in God's Word, discipleship, and TONS OF FUN!
We don’t want finances to keep ANY student from coming to camp! If you are in need of a scholarship, please fill out an application by using the button below. You can also send this link to anyone you might be inviting to camp who is in need of financial assistance!
Get a $50 refund for every Jr High new visitor you bring to Summer Camp! This is such a great opportunity for us to reach new visitors as well as lower your own camp cost! Check out the details by clicking the button below!
Last Week
We have found our new normal with the 6th graders and they have quickly become dear members of our Rise Jr. High ministry. They are phenomenal at participating in the game and the kids had so much fun doing a bubble bump challenge! After announcements and worship, Terrell taught on the next name tag of a Christian which is an Ambassador for Christ. We learned that as an Ambassador of Christ, we must have C.A.R.S. which stands for Creator, Audience, Responsibility, and Sermon. Ask your student more about what each point means!

Wednesday Night Details
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: Behnan’s House (36750 Robin Scott St., Murrieta, CA 92562)
Have your student bring a Bible, notebook, and a pen.
Sunday Morning Details
We meet every Sunday morning during the first service from 8:00 - 9:15 AM.
Here is the address we meet at on Sunday: Murrieta Valley High School
In order to get to where we meet on Sundays, walk towards the upper quad of campus past Children’s Ministry. You will see our large group gathered at the far end! Or, you can always ask one of our friendly ushers or greeters where Jr. High Ministry meets and they will show you.