[RISE Weekly] Youth Tonight! Camp this Weekend! 🔥
Join us TONIGHT at FBC, 6:30-8:30 PM. Also, sign-up for MAN & WOMAN CAMP! It's THIS WEEKEND!
Dear Parents,
Join us THIS WEEKEND for a 2-day, 1-night local camp focused on teaching our students about biblical manhood and womanhood! What should Jr Higher’s do NOW to grow to become Godly Men and Women? We’ll also have a ton of FUN playing games and just hanging out with each other for the weekend!
Man & Woman Camp are BOTH from 11/8 – 11/9 and are BOTH just $30!
The MEN will be camping in Lake Skinner.
The WOMEN will be at the Sirbu Home (40552 Angelica Dr, Murrieta, 92562).
With a very CONFUSED and decaying culture around us, students cannot miss out on this important weekend! Sign-up now!
TONIGHT, and every Wednesday, we meet at FAITH BIBLE CHURCH (23580 Glazebrook Rd, Wildomar, 92595)! Join us from 6:30–8:30 PM in the Worship Center!
Tonight we will have CANDY & TREATS 🍭 and students should come early to hangout, play GAGA BALL, basketball, or they can even bring their own card games and play with friends!
We will also continue in our study in the book of JAMES! Tonight we will consider the next test found in James 4:1-12. This is the TEST OF WORDLY INDULGENCE! James will say in James 4:4 – “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” This is the theme of this passage as we consider whether our lives reflect worldliness or godliness.
See you all tonight!
In Him,
RISE Rewind ⏮️

It was our first Wednesday at Faith Bible Church Wildomar, and while it was our first day at the building for Jr. High and we were getting adjusted, we praise the Lord for His faithfulness in our growth and the continuation of our ministry no matter where we are at. We ate hot and fresh pizza, and played gaga ball and a racing game!
We continue our study on James as we learned about godly wisdom vs. worldly wisdom, where godly wisdom comes from the Lord and honors the Lord, it is peaceable, humble, teachable, full of mercy, and produces good fruits. We also looked to the opposite source of wisdom that is faulty, foolish, and of this world and from Satan, and how nothing good comes from it but produces pride, lust, disobedience, lying, and jealousy.
On Sunday, Reece did an awesome job coordinating our students into small groups and teaching on the deity, humanity, and salvation of Christ! Our students took notes and searched the scriptures to find, support, and give an answer to what they believe about Christ as God says in His Word.
We thank you all for bringing the Jr students continually, and we are excited for our upcoming plans this year and we will love on the students and serve them for Christ’s glory!
Wednesday Night Details
Every Wednesday Night at FAITH BIBLE CHURCH (23580 Glazebrook Rd, Wildomar, 92595)! Join us from 6:30–8:30 PM in the Worship Center!
Sunday Morning Details
Join us every Sunday during 1st service (8:30 AM) at FAITH BIBLE CHURCH in the Youth Room!